Thursday, October 13, 2011

Aspiring Game Designer, currently 5 months from Final Project At Full Sail: Here's my 2 Ideas for Champions.

I've attended the Riot Game presentation at Full Sail, with Steve Snow. I've talked to Pendragon here on Reddit. So before I submit a resume, I wanna see what you guys think about my 2 champs.
All names of the Champs and Abilities is subject to change. None of these have precise #'s because I don't the exact details of ratios and base stats for each champ.
So here goes nothing:
Desc / Thoughts on Champ: I made Rohan from thinking of a tank that is supposed to do that. Tank. He is supposed to support allies and absorb dmg, while keeping people safe. I take the "Hold the Line" Ability from a Warhammer Online. "Bash" is from any MMO with a Tank class, WoW, or SWTOR, or even EQ. They all have a Shield bash w/ stun. I didn't like giving Rohan a Stun, it means hes to offensive IMO. So a Knock back seemed more defensive. "Warcry / Battle Retreat" is an ability that is going to be a difficult one to know when to use it and when to not. It may be to easy to GRIEF players so it may need a rework. His Ult, comes to mind when some one sacrifices their life for another person, a body guard, royal guard, etc etc, I think it fits his style well. If used properly it could turn a fight around I think. I might put a limit on it that requires Rohan to have at least 25% of his life remaining to use it. This would stop people waiting for like 100 HP to use it.
Rohan, Royal Guard of (insert name here, Ionia, Demacia, Noxus)
Q - "Hold the Line" : All allies withing 10 yds and BEHIND Rohan take 2/4/6/8% reduced Dmg for 3/3/5/5/7 secs.
W - "Bash" (This name is crappy): Smashes the enemy with his shield, causing dmg + AD, pushing ALL champs in front of him back 5 yds
E - "Warcry / Tactical Retreat"": On 1st Activate: Buffs all Allies Armor / MR/ and AS by 2% for 2/2/3/4/5 secs. On 2nd Activate: Reduces all Allies Armor / MR / AS by 1%, but increases Move Speed by 5% for 2/2/3/4/5 secs.
R - "Good day to Die": Sacrifices his life to heal target ally for 25% of Allies Max Health, and also dealing massive AOE Dmg around Rohan.
Passive - "Inspiring Presence: All allies within 50 yds of Rohan gain 2% HP Regen

This next champion came to me while I was at a Redlight omw to Full Sail. I had to quickly pull out my Design Notebook and jot it down. So this one isn't very well defined, so please be kind.
What this next champ IS though is unique, I've heard people bitch that Riot's recent champs, all have: A Gap Closer, A Shield, and a Stun. That each KIT is not very unique and is a mimic of other champs with a few minor changes. I tend to agree. Xerath feels likes a Long distance Lux with a stun, Graves looks like a MF clone, with like a Teemo Blind. I love Riot but the staleness of champs when you get THIS many is evident, and people want different. So, here is MY take on what a GUN Slinger champ should be.
What makes this champ unique is 2 things. His ULT and this Ammo System. I will go more into the Ult when I talk about it later on in this post. For a lack of a name because I think this kit would fit Graves, ALOT Better, I will just call him "Gun Slinger"
Ammo System: The Gunslinger has 2 pistols, each pistol has 4 bullets (I did 4 instead of 6 to tweak him, if lower ratio or base dmg, his ammo count can be increased) This would take a small GUI update instead of a Power Bar, I'd like 4 bullet icons left side is for left Pistol, Right Side is right Pistol.
Every time you use an Ability it fires from one or the other gun, depending on the Ability (Q is left, W is Right). Once he is out of ammo, he must use his E to reload. If he has no AMMO the ONLY ability available to use is his E and R. Each use of his Q and W take 1 bullet from that gun. Lets now explore his abilities.
(I dont have names for all abilities yet as I JUST made this champ up at the redlight this morning)
Q - Left Pistol: Each shot ignores a % of the enemies Armor, each Subsequent shot with this pistol will reduce the MR of the Enemy Champ. Deals AD dmg.
W - Right Pistol: Each shot ignores a % of the enemies MR, each subsequent shot with this pistol, will reduce the Armor of the Enemy champ. Deals AP dmg.
E- Restock: Gunsligner stands still to reload his pistols, starts of slow, and goes faster the longer he stands still. Depending on how long and how many bullets were reloaded, Gunslinger gains a % of HP Regen for a time. If all 8 bullets loaded 5%? if like only 4 then 2%...
R- "Quick Draw" or "Make em Dance!": Instant reloads and Resets the CD of Q and W. You have 5 secs to input a Combo of Left and Right Pistols, up to 4. Depending on the ORDER input, a different buff would be applied. (Will explain more below)
Passive- "Out for Blood": Every time his Q or E dmg's an enemy champ, Restock(E) CD is reduced by 0.5 sec max of 2 secs
More on his R: This is taken directly from Unreal Tournament's Adrenaline System. If your not familiar, you pick up pills to get 100 Adrenaline then depending on combo of UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT keys pressed different things happen. Invisiblity, HP Regen, Move Speed, Extra Dmg, etc etc. I think the same would be a bad ass kit for Gunslinger. You Press R, then pick the 4 gun Combo, Q,Q,Q,Q, Your R is now Primed. Press it again to fire. The Buff you have loaded would be indicated by an Icon or Glow around your character. Think TF Cards.
Some Examples:
  • Q,Q,Q,Q - Move Speed Buff: Yellow Glow , or Boots Icon above your head. Your R would increase your MS for some time.
  • W,W,W,W - Speed Debuff: Red Glow, Boots with Cross through them. Your shot would slow the Enemy
  • Q,W,W,Q - Atk Spd Buff: Next shot increases your AS speed.
  • Q,Q,W,W - Next shot does true Dmg.
The list of combo's is limited by the only 2 different guns, So the types of buffs are limited, I don't expect EVERY combination to do something, maybe just 4 of them.
Well there ya have it. This is the first time, I've submitted my idea's to the public, so be gentle. I hope you enjoy them and wish me luck, on my Application to Riot.
Flame On.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Cinematics, cut-scenes, and storytelling.

I was reading this article ,GDC: Online "The hand of Fate", and it got me thinking. As a Inspiring Designer and an avid gamer, how many times have you "Skipped" to the end of a cut-scene or movie? I normally watch a majority of them but if they drag on, or im not really invested in the game. I will skip ahead and get back to the game. Most of the time that's because, its not interactive, and I'm quite frankly losing interest.

Mass Effect, KOTOR, SWTOR, and other similar games give you a choice or some sort of interactivity during these story episodes of dialogue, tell this guy off, agree, help him, etc, etc... It may not be much but it keeps me focused and lets me know "Hey your interaction is wanted and is important to us". Otherwise its: Oh cool story or bathroom break.

How can Game Designers make this happen less? As a gamer how many times have you skipped over a cut-scene? Was it because you just don't care about the story, or was it too long? Not interactive? If they gave you some choices or options during the cut-scenes would you be more invested? What about those Quick Time Events like in Resident Evil, that's the only one i can think of at the moment.

IMO, I think giving more interactive options and or quick time events make the player care about whats going on. A Cinematic every now and then, is perfectly fine, I mean look at Warcraft III, amazing cinematics! Blizzard is known for it, I LOVE watching those, other games, not so much.

In your opinion, what can game designers due to keep your interest in the main story? How can they get you invested as a player to care, about your avatar and his plight?

Friday, October 7, 2011

Quick Update / Invisible Walls and Player Limits

A Quick Update:
I'm back in school and life is going well. I should graduate in June 2012, which means life is back on track. It's now time to start blogging again. So the next few topics up for discussion:
  • Invisible Walls, Player Limits, and how to properly block a player's access.
  • Open World vs. Sandbox
  • Linear game-play vs. Non Linear game-play
  • Free 2 Play vs Subscriptions
  • Animation Techniques: Skinning Vs. Articulated (One of my classes this month is Real Time Animation)
Those are the topics I wanna cover in the next few blogs... Today, Invisible Walls and Player Limits...

The Invisible wall, and how I hate thee.

Designers and programmers must limit were a player can go, its something we cant get around... Even open world games like Fallout, must have an end. So they have to limit where players can and can not go. Fallout is a PERFECT example of how to do it right. Where as so many other games do it horribly wrong...

As a player, I want to explore, I want to see where I can go and look for hidden items and or Easter eggs. But when I'm trying to climb over this mountain and or I run to the end of the "road that's ridiculously long and leads to nothing" then I hit a invisible wall... What runs through my mind, isn't "Oh OK. I guess I cant go here.." its more like "WTF, this is stupid, another invisible wall, this game is already pissing me off!" If you want to limit where a player can go, that's fine! Whats not fine, is just tossing up a invisible wall... If yo want to stop me from going past this point. Block it off, put a rock slide, or a road that has collapsed, or a tunnel that's collapsed, or a Tree or like 10 that have fallen, or a land mine field. Give me a REASON that is plausible to me as a player immersed in your game, could believe. As a programmer / designer, I know you just didn't want me to go there. That is something I'm OK with, as long as its done in a non blatant NO! in the type of a blank wall I cant walk past. So many developers do this because it is quick and easy, but it ruins immersion, it ruins the fun of exploration, it seriously hinders the experience of your game when you do this.

Another player limit that is more of a player safeguard then anything else but, it still ruins game-play... Limits on bridges, and lava pits, and other OBVIOUSLY deadly areas.... As a player and a programmer / designer, I want to see where games LET me go, or do. I am that guy that tries to jump off the bridge of utter doom, just to see if I can. And about 95% of my experience as a VERY addicted and avid gamer is that the game wont let me. Why? No reason, it just wants to protect the player... Well I think its stupid... I mean If I want to jump into the lava pit of doom, then let me! Prime example of this is World of Warcraft, they normally have safeguards to stop you... Well in the Cataclysm Expansion, there is a Dungeon / Instance , that has a HUGE lava pit, next to a boss... As the Tank, I'm running in front pulling mobs, and getting beat on... I see the lava pit, my mind starts to think... I run directly for it and try to jump off the ledge, RIGHT after, attacking the boss. What happens? Well what do you think? I fell into the lava and got incinerated.

Was my group of friends of players angry? Not really, we were too busy laughing, and quite entertained... Why ? I will tell ya why, because it was an unexpected outcome. We enjoyed the fact that I was allowed to do something that stupid in the game. The fact that they didn't limit my movement, left us with a story I will remember for as long as I play video games.

Lets look at the alternative... I run at the lava pit, Jump, hit an invisible wall, nothing happens, we fight the boss, and  then we complain about invisible walls for the next 15 mins, and get upset at how stupid things like that are. Our game play for the day may have a negative after taste. Ya the feeling would pass, until we wanted to do something stupid again later that day, or that week.

Player Limiters are needed, invisible walls are not. If you don't want a player to go some where, block it off with a REASONABLE idea, Collapsed tunnel, Rock-slide, Landmine field, or hell, do what Borderlands did, put BIG GUN turrets that blast the player if he steps out of bounds! Even then, I have a reason to not go off the beaten path. Albeit, a crappy unexplained reason, but a reason none the less.

Also, let players jump off that bridge of doom, don't try to make your game so stupid player proof. Some smart players, wanna have fun and do those stupid things, why ruin their fun?

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